In november 2023, Luis de Pereda, as a juror in the Energy Efficiency and Energy Awards #PremiosEnergiaAHK2023 awarded by the German Chamber of Commerce for Spain, explains the criteria that have been taken into account to select the winning projects.
Luis de Pereda, Project Director of the Instituto Europeo de Innovación – IEI, participated in MadBlue 2023, in the Round Table «Conscious cities based on architecture and environmental urbanism«, together with Inés Leal Architect and ESG Expert Advisor in Sustainability, Energy and New Technologies in Building and City; and Angela Baldellou, PhD Architect and Director of the CSCAE 2030 Observatory. And with María Eugenia del Río, General Secretary of COAM, as moderator. Event was held at the headquarters of the Official College of Architects of Madrid – COAM.
If you are interested in seeing the presentation, follow this link.
In December 2022, Luis de Pereda participated in the MATCOM Construction Week, presenting the book «Edificio Fontan«, a book in which he collaborated. The Fontan building, whose authors are the architects Andres Perea, Elena Suárez and Rafael Torrelo, manages to recover the unfinished City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela and create an architectural landmark from these ruins.
Luis de Pereda, Project Director of Sistemas Avanzados y Sostenibles, SAS, and Instituto Europeo de Innovación, IEI, participated with the presentation «Urban Integration, Multimodality and Energy in incentive parking facilities«, in the Conference Current State of Park and Intermodal Parks and their Impact on Urban Mobility , organized in Madrid by the Instituto de la Ingeniería de España.
If you are interested in seeing the presentation, follow this link. See presentation: from 1h 13’ 43″ to 1h 40’ 12″
Luis de Pereda, Project Director of the Instituto Europeo de Innovación IEI, and General Director of Fomento Territorial, who works internationally in comprehensive actions in equipment for the territory, was invited to participate in the debate «Innovación y Telemonitorización en Sanidad« organized by Redacción Médica on June 2nd, 2021 in Madrid.
If you are interested in seeing a summary of Luis de Pereda’s intervention, follow this link.
On May 31st 2021, Luis de Pereda, Project Director of the Instituto Europeo de Innovacion IEI and Director of the Comprehensive Efficiency Services brand ENERES, was invited by Arc Skoru to speak about Apolonio Molares‘ project recently certified with LEED Platinum. The comprehensive rehabilitation project of Apolonio Morales 29 was carried out by the architects Luis de Pereda and Manolo Mallo for the European Institute of Innovation in 2009. Apolonio Morales Building is the first existing building in Europe for LEED 4.1 O+M Platinum Indoor Environmental Quality. The building’s occupant, sustainability consultancy Eneres, collaborated with Savills, Arc and arbnco to carry out ongoing Performance Verification of the project’s Indoor Air Quality and thermal comfort.
Virtual participation of Luis de Pereda on March 7th 2019, in the Technical Conference of COAM MEET-MAT 2019 «Energía Positiva».
See presentation: from 26 ’39» to 31′ 31″
Presentation by Luis de Pereda at the III Congreso Internacional Madrid Subterra sobre el aprovechamiento energético del suelo, held on October 25th, 2018.
«Energy potential of underground transport infrastructures in Madrid / Potencial energético de las infraestructuras subterráneas de transporte en Madrid»
On October 17th 2017, Eduardo Catalán de Ocón and Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentation “Nuevas tecnologías en aparcamiento robotizados” in the Jornada Infraestructuras y logística en intercambiadores y aparcamientos de Madrid, organized in Madrid by the Infrastructure Committee of the Institute of Engineering of Spain – Comité de Infraestructuras del Instituto de la Ingeniería de España IIE.
See presentation from 1h 17′
On April 14th 2016, Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentation «Recovery and use of thermodynamic resources of the tunnel system of Calle 30 in Madrid – Recuperación y uso de los recursos termodinámicos del sistema de túneles de Calle 30 en Madrid» in the II Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes organized by Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes (RECI ) and Grupo Tecma Red in Madrid.
On March 24th 2015, Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentations «El comportamiento eficiente del medio construido. Introducción a la edificación reactiva e interactiva – The efficient behavior of the built environment. Introduction to reactive and interactive building » in the V Encuentro-edificación sobre rehabilitación energética organized by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On March 24th 2015, Luis de Pereda took part in the conference “La ciudad como hábitat” organized by the ASA and Roca Madrid Gallery with the presentation «The energy system as part of the urban ecosystem – El sistema energético como parte del ecosistema urbano».
See presentation: from 17′ 14″
On March 26th 2015, Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentations «Integrated management of urban systems resources – Gestión integrada de los recursos de los sistemas urbanos» and «Efficiency and energy in urban infrastructures – Eficiencia y energía en las infraestructuras urbanas» in the V Encuentro-edificación sobre rehabilitación energética organized by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On April 11th 2013, Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentation «Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Protected Palace for Administration offices. Chamberi. Madrid. 2009/2010 – Rehabilitación Integral de Palacete protegido para oficinas de la Administración. Chamberí. Madrid. 2009 /2010» at the I Congreso de Rehabilitación Integral en la Edificación – RIEd 2013. Organized by the publishing house El Instalador.
On June 5th 2013, Luis de Pereda, took part with the presentation «Energy hydro-efficiency – Hidroeficiencia energética» in the IV Encuentro-edificación sobre rehabilitación energética (energy certification and renewable energies), organized by the Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas y su Control de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On May 7th 2013, Luis de Pereda explained the housing development Margaritas 52, sheltered young housing, of the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda – EMVS of Madrid, for
On February 20th 2013, Luis de Pereda took part in Table Discussion 3: Energy rehabilitation, with the presentation «Practical examples of integration of renewables. Geothermal – Ejemplos prácticos de integración de renovables. Geotermia» in theI Encuentro rehabilitación, arquitectura y energía of the COAM organized by the Instituto de Arquitectura (IA) of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid – COAM.
See presentation: 1h 54′
On June 27th 2012, Luis de Pereda took part with the presentation «Mechanical parking systems and thermoactive structures. Techniques and technology for the recovery of space and energy management – Sistemas mecánicos de aparcamiento y estructuras termoactivas. Técnicas y tecnología para la recuperación la gestión del espacio y la energía» in the III Encuentro-edificación sobre la rehabilitación energética. Energy rehabilitation of the facilities, organized by the ETSAM of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Interview with Luis de Pereda carried out by El Mundo Ecológico on March 8th 2012, at the Conference to present the Guía de Hidroeficiencia of the Comunidad de Madrid.
On February 8th 2012, Luis de Pereda took part with the presentation «The systemic conception of the envelope. Roofs and special envelopes – La concepción sistémica de la envolvente. Cubiertas y envolventes especiales»” in the II Encuentro-edificación sobre la rehabilitación energética, Rehabilitación energética de las instalaciones organized by the ETSAM of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On September 21th 2011, Luis de Pereda took part in the I Encuentro-edificación sobre rehabilitación energética with the presentation «Rehabilitated buildings incorporating active energy efficiency measures, passive conditioning and operational management in an integrated way – Edificios rehabilitados incorporando medidas de eficiencia energética activas, de acondicionamiento pasivo y de gestión operativa de un modo integrado», organized by the ETSAM of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On July 19th 2011, Luis de Pereda took part in the Discussion Table in the summer course El paradigma de la arquitectura sostenible, at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
On July 18th 2011, Luis de Pereda took part with the presentation «Conceptual and operational bases of logic and balance in the transformation of energy in the built environment – Bases conceptuales y operativas de la lógica y el equilibrio en la transformación de la energía en el medio edificado» in the Summer Course El paradigma de la arquitectura sostenible, by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.