Project Description
Consulting for the comprehensive development of housing programs and complementary urban equipment in Kinshasa: Ngampi and Mitele
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (2015)
Client: Fomento Territorial S.L.
The consultancy consisted of the comprehensive analysis of the territory and the systems together to identify urban strategies, action programs, and projects, to prepare two Master Plans for the comprehensive development of 2,386 and 2,182 households and complementary urban facilities in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The urban and residential design has been carried out to reduce implementation costs and add value.
The project developed the adaptation of different types of housing to the topography, as well as the adaptation of the shape and orientation to the climate. For this purpose, different bioclimatic tools were used: control of solar radiation, mature ventilation, solar hot water, and photovoltaic production.