Project Description
Nature Interpretation and Activities Park, Riverland
Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid (2018)
Description: Interpretation park of the natural environment, adventure park, nature, urban planning
Client: Inmocasale. S.L.
Constructed area: 352,994 m²
Completion date: Understudy
The Interpretation and Activities Park of the natural and anthropic environment, Riverland, is located in the municipality of Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid. To the natural attraction of the site and its connection to a historical environment as rich as Aranjuez, Colmenar, and the Valley of the Tagus, is added the proximity to Madrid that generates a growing demand for knowledge and leisure activities in the environment, linked to school activities, family and business. The purpose of this project is based on stable management that includes respect for the fundamental values of this farm, which is classified as a unique anthropic ecosystem:
• The preservation of the natural environment and the compatibility of activities.
• Respect for the river and the hydrological environment.
• The preservation and maintenance of the historical features of the
agribusiness operation.
• The balance between the natural environment and human activity.
To achieve the main objective, Riverland Park is based on the two great values of the farm where it is located, the natural environment, water, flora and fauna, and the anthropic environment, 2800 years of agricultural civilization. Its preservation and enhancement is the axis of the offer of activities that integrates knowledge, leisure, sport, and adventure, which supports the recovery and revitalization of the environment.