Actuación sobre las salas Teófilo Hernando, Severo Ochoa y su antesala común Corporate Architecture, Energy efficiency, Heritage, Offices/Educational Centers, Restoration
Intervenciones para la rehabilitación del antiguo Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos, actual sede del ICOMEM Corporate Architecture, Energy efficiency, Heritage, Offices/Educational Centers, Restoration
Design and Implementation of Corporate Image for a Gym chain Corporate Architecture, Public Space/Facilities, Restoration
XXII Fit Club. Design and Application of Corporate Image Corporate Architecture, Public Space/Facilities, Restoration
Turnkey services for the design, development, and complete execution of SEUR’s corporate image applied to its points of sale Corporate Architecture, Ephemeral/Commercial, Industrial Design
Turnkey services for the design, development, and complete implementation of the Häagen-Dazs corporate image Corporate Architecture, Ephemeral/Commercial, Industrial Design