Instituto Europeo de Innovacion (IEI) was was founded in 1989 to service clients seeking added value for their products, services and developments.  Our multidisciplinary team collaboratively problem solve and innovate to bring complex architecture, urban planning, engineering, industrial design, energy efficiency, sustainability and mobility projects to life

Energy Efficient Architecture

As experts in bioclimatic architecture, rehabilitation, restoration, energy and water efficiency, and mobility we achieve the highest levels of quality and sustainability. We pride ourselves in being trusted consultants to the public and private sectors, including companies within our specialist field.

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Territorial Development

Our operational and geosystemic urban planning consultancy defines, manages and develops multi-sector projects, coordinating all their activities.

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Heritage Recovery

IEI offers specialist teams with significant international experience in urban regeneration, heritage restoration and the recovery and valorisation of heritage-classified monuments, spaces and buildings.

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